Nutrition Facts Food Labels
A Nutrition Facts Food Label is prepared for your food product based on our database Nutritional Analysis or a Laboratory Nutritional Analysis. The serving size is determined along with % Daily Values in compliance with NLEA/FDA regulations. A label is prepared in a format specific to your package size and dimensions complete with the Ingredient and Food Allergen Statement as required on food labels.
You choose the format for your label - standard, tabular, linear, shortened, simplified, abbreviated, dual declaration, aggregate.
Standard Format Nutrition Facts Label
Tabular Format Nutrition Facts Label
The "camera ready" food label will be sent to you in a graphic format for your printer.
Ingredient Statements
Based on your recipe formulation and raw material ingredients, we will prepare an FDA compliant ingredient statement that will also comply with the "Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act", identifying all major allergens. The Ingredient Statement along with the Allergen Statement and the Food Label will be sent to you in a graphic format for your printer.
Allergen Declarations
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFD&C Act) regulates all packaged foods. The Ingredient Statement will comply with the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act food allergen labeling requirements. An allergen declaration (statement) will be included on your label for those ingredients which could pose a health risk.
Contact Us now to receive more information and an estimate.